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Не убран мусор, яма на дороге, не горит фонарь? Столкнулись с проблемой — сообщите о ней!
We're happy to introduce you an old and beautiful Russian city – gorod, which was founded in 1221 at the confluence of the two great rivers – the Volga and the Oka.
Till the beginning of XX century city used to be called “the pocket of Russia”, due to the well known Trade Fair that gathered merchants from Europe and Asia.
In Soviet times our city was famous for the “Volga” cars, “MIG” planes and hydrofoil ships. At that time it was renamed after a famous Russian writer Maxim Gorky.
The modern city combines the traditions of merchants and the industrial progress. With its scientific, industrial, cultural and educational potential city is recognized as the capital of the Volga Federal District. Here you can enjoy comfortable conditions for business and investment.
Visit our city and open “a Nizhny of your own”! It’s worth seeing boundless trans-Volga territories from the river embankment, walking across the main street Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, exploring the old Kremlin, visiting the outstanding gorod Trade Fair. We’re sure you will fall in love with this wonderful city!
Адыгея - Служу Родине Достижения РФ. Голосуй за достижения своего региона Национальные проекты России Национальные проекты России "АДЫГЕЯ - СВАЛКАМ. NET" Российский университет спецназа Агрострахование